Monday, June 12, 2006

lego ring

When Rus and I were married we were thinking of alternative ideas for rings. The best idea we came up with was one made out of lego. It was really impractical and uncomfortable though. I just came across this one today and fell in love with it. I would prefer it without the stone though. Another alternative we looked into was tattooed rings but we were told that tattooes wear off easily on the finger and the pain wasn't quite worth it.


elisabeth said...

thomas, those are beyond cool.

Dagga said...

love this shop rocket ship earrings and everything. I agree with Thomas I like no. 4 better

elisabeth said...

i also like the lego head earrings. i could make a lot of the lego things myself i think. hmmm...i think i will.

Dagga said...

I wish I was there with you and we could make lego jewlery together

Anonymous said...

those are cool. to bad you cant get them without diamonds for like $200 cheaper.

Anonymous said...

buy a plastic ring, glue a piece of lego to it (and save $249).

elisabeth said...

that would be so fun dagga