I've been wondering which book to write about for days now, I have not been feeling like writing about Harry Potter although I will someday.
This book came to mind
"The Hindi-Bindi Club" by Monica Pradhan.
It's not really anything like my usual fare, but I liked the cover and the title and ordered it for work, I thought I could try to sell it to the libraries.
To my complete amazement I could not stop reading once I started, so I took it home and devoured it on a sunny afternoon this summer.
It's a book about mothers and daughters, the mother are Indian immigrants in the US and the daughters are born and raised there. The author explores the cultural differences between the generations and educates you in Indian history and culinary arts at the same time. It does not feel like a lecture though.
Every chapter features a recipe of mouth watering Indian dishes so don't read it hungry.
I enjoyed it immensely and highly recommend it. I ended up buying the copy and giving it to my youngest aunt for her birthday and she was also taken with it.