Wednesday, February 08, 2006

my favorite author

recently i've found some time to read again and my first choice is Pearl S. Buck. here you can read a small essay she wrote on something dear to my heart. i like her for more than her books, but also for her life. she adopted over seas which is a dream of mine, but more than that, she recognized the need for foreign adoptions and she started her own adoption agency, all the while writing fabulous books about china and it's unique culture. her books are historically and culturally accurate given that she spent most of her childhood in china. i also love her because she presents the feminine role so compasionately and sympatheticaly. my favorite book is "pavilion of women". as one of my heroines, i named my van after her; the pearl.


Dagga said...

She sounds like a wonderful writer I read the essey. I´ll look for Pavilion of Women. Adopting has been a dream of mine to for some time now, the rules have been changed here in the last few years so it is now legal for single women to adopt. Many single women have adopted from China, when I think about all these little girls left in parks for other people to find I get tears in my eyes.

elisabeth said...

yeah it just isn't right that there are so many children out there without a parent and so many parents without children.
Dagga, you would make a wonderful mother!

Dagga said...

I would like that very much,