Friday, April 07, 2006

unresolved reads

Aside from Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice, I have had several unresolved relationships with books. The ones that for some reason or another, I could never finish but that I just can't forget about and might need to finally finish someday.
Among them are:
The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera
Gulliver's Travels, Jonathan Swift
Watership Down, Richard Adams
The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan

I had to give away Pride & Prejudice and The Unbearable Lightness of Being because I couldn't stand seeing them in my bookshelves; a constant reminder. Somehow the other ones didn't anger me so much. Probably because I didn't invest as much time in them. I gave up as soon as I realized I wasn't enjoying myself and stopped pretending that if I just kept reading maybe I would.


Dagga said...

I have books like this among them are
Dune, Frank Herbert
Silmarillion, J.R.R.Tolkien
Dracula, Bram Stoker
I lie if people ask me if I have read them and say yes, now you all know. I plan to finish them someday.
The Unbearable Lightness of Being was among them for the longest time and some other books by Milan Kundera until I faced my fear of cultural snobbery and admitted that I think Kundera is a bloody boring author.

elisabeth said...

ha! yes!
I am so glad that somebody else thinks that it sucks. All the raving I hear about him makes me so mad. I thought maybe I just wasn't intelligent enough to like it. Thank you Dagga. I needed your opinion on that one and I think I can remove it from my list now.

aisy said...

i have this strange thing where i have to finish a book, even if i don't like it. i can't even remember a time where i didn't finish one. i wish i didn't have this problem...

elisabeth said...

oh but aisy that is like torturing yourself and wasting time all at once. you must get over this problem.

aisy said...

I know, I know. I do the same with movies. Maybe there is a readers anonymous I can join.

Dagga said...

I´m this way about movies to it´s almost impossible for me to walk out of a movie theater. The only movie I have ever walked out of in the middle is Mr.Bean the movie.

Dagga said...

ah, the horrible intelligent complex, it´s one of my favorite complexes it is so very liberating to let it go and don´t care what people think.

Anonymous said...

i advise you all to listen to the audio books.